02 December 2010

Newsletters I Actually Love Getting

It seems like whenever you register for a website these days, you're somehow automatically signed up for their email newsletter too. I've got so many newsletters coming in to my account that I've set up a filter to have them all go straight into an archived Gmail label called Newsletters, so I can look at them at my leisure and they're not hanging around in my inbox. Thanks to this, I've been able to keep track of what newsletters are coming in, and figure out which ones to keep and which ones to unsubscribe from. It's surprised me to realize that there are some newsletters I actually look forward to and open with excitement!

Here are some of the best email newsletters out there, according to me:

CRAVE Cupcakes / Sprinkles Cupcakes
Initially, I was subscribed to Sprinkles, but when I kept getting emails showing off their adorable & delicious-looking cupcakes, I began to get frustrated. There was no Sprinkles in Houston! So I subscribed to the CRAVE Cupcakes newsletter for my cupcakes fix. I mean, who doesn't like to look at some goodies every now and then? I may not be able to afford these very often, but I can at least daydream about them.

Moo.com's MOOsLetter
I have a kind of obsession with MOO. At least once a month, I login and design new mini cards, stickers, etc. and usually end up not ordering them (yet). MOO's newsletter is perfect for me because it's a regular (but not too frequent) reminder of how cool they are, without being overly sales-pitch-like. They show off cool things that people are doing with their products, and usually they contain some sort of promo code for discounts. Perfect for inspiration and motivation to design & purchase some of your own products from MOO!

Etsy Finds
Sure, it's a daily newsletter, and sometimes those can get overwhelming, but not these! Etsy Finds is a great email to open when you just want to look at creative, pretty, interesting products. It's another source of inspiration, and occasionally I find something I want to purchase right away! I'll bet 1/3 of my Favorites on Etsy I found from this newsletter.

A Word A Day
Can you really go wrong with something as simple and fun as a word a day email? I like learning (or being reacquainted with) a new word every weekday. They have weekly themes, and each word is done justice. You'll learn its meaning, pronunciation, etymology, and origins, along with a few examples of it in use. Fantastic!

This one's for photography junkies, mostly, but it's a lot of fun for casually creative individuals, too. It's chock full of great gift ideas, photography accessories, and fun photo projects. Another good source for both inspiration AND shopping potential.

So, what do these newsletters have in common?

  1. They're non-invasive (they're not bombarding you to buy anything)
  2. They're pretty to look at (except AWAD, I suppose)
  3. They're inspiring

What are some of your favorite newsletters to receive?

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