22 May 2010

World of Warcraft's Gooey Spider Cake

People often like to draw correlations between WoW and real life, and I'll have to admit that I am no exception. While a lot of gamers like to compare video games to things like war, strategy, and real-life interactions with other people, I prefer to take a slightly more sociopathic route. Being a reclusive pastry chef, I like to stay in my kitchen and bake~!

My newest endeavor is taking recipes from World of Warcraft and attempting to recreate them in my own kitchen. If you missed my first experiment, go see how my [Delicious Chocolate Cake] turned out. This time around I'll be doing another cake, but with more sinister ingredients: the [Gooey Spider Cake].

Recipe Assessment

Gooey  Spider Cake - recipe

Gooey  Spider Cake

Things to note about this recipe:
- It only has one ingredient: gooey spider legs
- Its result looks more like a pie than a cake

Mise en Place

With only one ingredient, this should have been pretty easy to prep. I'll tell you what, folks. I must have killed two dozen spiders (which takes a while for a holy paladin who doesn't do much damage) before I got enough [Gooey Spider Leg] drops to complete this recipe. Luckily, the last one I killed yielded exactly two [Gooey Spider Leg]s.

Gooey Spider Cake - gathering ingredients

You'd think that it'd be easy enough to get what I needed after only one spider, since they have eight legs and everything. I guess sometimes they're just not gooey enough. Or something.

On to the Baking

That wasn't so bad! And now, just to bake the cake.

Gooey Spider Cake - into the oven

I have to admit, I was a bit skeptical of this recipe, having only one ingredient, but I figured Blizzard wouldn't let me down so I decided to forge on with the baking.

Final Result

Gooey Spider Cake - out of the oven

Tada! Wow, that was way easier than I thought it would be. This WoW baking is pretty cool!

Gooey Spider Cake - sliced Gooey Spider Cake - slice

(If you'd like to learn about an alternate way to make this pie, er I mean, cake... check out this blog.)

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